Download Risk Factor Dataset 1
Download Risk Factor Dataset 2
Download Risk Factor Dataset 3
Important Note:
Each link above will prompt the download of a zipped .csv file.
To accommodate website file size restrictions, the BCSC Risk Factors public dataset has been split into three zipped .csv files:
BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_1_092020 – contains 506,465 records
BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_2_092020 – contains 506,465 records
BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_3_092020 – contains 509,410 records
To use the dataset, please download each of the three zipped files.
Once you unzip the files, you can append the BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_2 and BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_3 .csv datasets to the BCSC_risk_factors_summarized_1 .csv dataset.
The complete dataset contains 1,522,340 records, representing 6,788,436 mammograms.
The following must be cited when using this dataset:
“Data collection and sharing was supported by the National Cancer Institute (P01CA154292; U54CA163303), the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCS-1504-30370), and the Agency for Health Research and Quality (R01 HS018366-01A1). We thank the participating women, mammography facilities, and radiologists for the data they have provided for this study. You can learn more about the BCSC at:"